Managing Recordings
You will find all the finished, current and upcoming recordings in this section, plus all the rules to automatically record programs based on their name (autorec), or based on their airing time (timerec). Go in the main menu, and tap the "Recordings" menu.
- Swipe left and right to gain access to the finished / upcoming / autorec and timerec tabs. You can also tap the buttons on top to achieve the same goal.
- Tap a recording to edit it.
- You can sort by name / file size / date.
- Group recordings by name. You are still able to sort groups.
- Delete multiple recordings by long tapping a recording. Then select other recordings and tap "DELETE" on top of the screen.
To create a new recording, position the view according to the type of recording you want to create. For instance, if you want to create a new timerec, display the timerecs list and then press the "+" button to show the creation dialog.
Information is shown as widgets to gain readability.
- Priority is shown as a column of five red or green bricks on the far right. The more important the recording is, the more high and green the pile becomes.
- Days of week are shown as a line of seven filled or empty squares, each one with a different color. If the square is full, the recording will happen on the corresponding day.
- The hourglass / green tick show how many recordings are scheduled / finished using that autorec or timerec.